Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Planning A Christ-Centered Wedding

I've been very excited, thinking about our big day and starting to plan every single detail. But I have to admit, I may have been caught up in the not so important details. Sure, family and friends love gorgeous centerpieces, a unique color scheme, and a beautiful bride in the perfect dress. But planning a wedding should be much more than the looks and how much money you spend.

God created marriage, it is His idea. We love, because he first loved us. A wedding is the perfect time to rejoice in His Word and praise Him for all we've been blessed with. I would've never found Brian if I didn't find God first. 

I want to share God's love with our families on this day, more than I want for every single detail to be absolutely perfect because this day shouldn't be just about us, but about the love God showed us when He came to this world as a human being, not to rule but to serve! to save! and to draw us closer to Him! I want our wedding and our marriage to reflect God's love. I want to serve God by serving my husband and others. I want to have a Christ-centered wedding. So I pray that God helps us plan this wedding according to His will.

Thankfully, before I got too deep into the wedding planning, I found this book, A Christ-Centered Wedding: Rejoicing in the Gospel on Your Big Day by Catherine Strode Parks & Linda Strode. Although I've barely found it and started reading it today, the first few pages opened my eyes and I am so eager to plan a Christ-centered wedding with Brian.

I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!

Monday, October 20, 2014

So We're Engaged!

I've known Brian since my junior year in high school. We were in Chemistry together, and were in common classes like woodshop and auto tech. He was one of my best friends that I enjoyed hanging out with. We graduated in 2010 and didn't hang out for a while. When I moved in with my dad, I ended up living in the same neighborhood as Brian so we started hanging out a lot more. My dad always asked me, "Why don't you date a guy like Brian? I really like that boy." and I, like any teenage girl talking to her father about boys said, "it's not like that dad, we're just friends."
Well, Brian went from being a walk away, to a 20 minute drive away. On my 21st birthday, I asked him to go dancing with me and my friend Evelyn. I was so excited. I couldn't stop talking to Evelyn about him. I kept looking around for him, waiting for him to show up. He finally did! Our first dance EVER was to I Do (Cherish You) by Mark Wills. I was so happy to be there dancing with him, a friend I'd known for years already. When we left our separate ways that night, I told my friend Evelyn that I was gonna marry that boy. I swore up and down that he was my future husband.

Brian proposed on October 18th, my 23rd birthday. I still have butterflies! I can't believe it. I mean, I can because I've known for a long time that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with but I can't believe we actually get to start planning our wedding!

He took me to the park and while we were walking on the trails, he stopped and got on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was very sweet! And I, of course, got all emotional and shed some happy tears.

I'm so incredibly blessed to be with Brian. God gave me the best man He had, and I can't wait to live the life God wants us to live together.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Good Reads: Love Well

The main reason I picked this book up was the title. Love Well. I hadn't really been loving well, and decided to put forth the effort to change that. This book has definitely taught me a few lessons and I've been applying those lessons to my everyday-life. I have this book to thank and it's author Jamie George.
Not only am I much happier, but those I surround myself with have been happier! Each chapter is filled with the wisdom of God's Word.

Jamie George also discusses relative issues that might be getting in the way of you "loving well". For example:
Those who know me best know that I am a terrible listener! I'm so ashamed of how selfish I am, and not paying attention to what someone is saying is just ONE of the ways that I can be selfish. I'm working on myself, and I believe God is also working on me. In Love Well, Jamie George quoted Mark Nepo. I've never heard this quote before but I have a new goal for myself, and that is to listen. "To listen is to continually give up all expectation and to give our attention, completely and freshly, to what is before us... To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear." Oh my lanta. I think that is just amazing!

If you've read this book, I'd love to hear your feedback and what stuck out to you the most. I hope everyone is having an amazing week! It's almost Friday, so hang in there!

Purchase Love Well by Jamie George here

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Praise Him Always

So today, I got caught in the rain walking from class to my car [which is a pretty long walk]. I looked like I had jumped in a pool, clothes and all. My shoes felt squishy under my feet, and my clothes were clinging to me. I felt so uncomfortable. But I thought of something to be thankful for.

Out of all the times it had rained the past few months, the Lord kept me dry. I had always missed the rain by just a few seconds! The other day at the concert, it rained, and I didn't mind it one bit, even though I didn't have an umbrella. I had a great time listening to For King & Country glorify God through their music, and I praised Jesus through all of it. But today class seemed much longer than it usually does and I just wanted to go home. I walked out of the building and discovered that it was pouring! I walked that long, cold, wet walk to my car. Was I still willing to praise Jesus in the rain the same way I did when I was at the concert? ABSOLUTELY!

No way was I going to let some rain distance me from my Lord & Savior. When I got to my car, I blared my music and sang as loud as I could. I was listening to Lift My Life Up by Unspoken. "You brought me this far, why would I question you now? You have provided, why would I start to doubt? I've never been stranded, abandoned, or left here to fight alone, So I'm giving you control". I love this song. God has never left me, He will never leave me. He will bless me and He will allow me to struggle, because He loves me and He will always help me through whatever task He gives me.

So I hope you will also embrace whatever God gives you! Know that no matter what He puts you through, that He's right by your side through it all. He's there to help you and provide you with strength. He will never abandon you. You are His child. Praise Him, always.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

For King & Country Concert

Last night was amazing! For King & Country put on a great show, despite the rain. Yeah, we got a bit of rain but I think it only made the concert more fun. The band even came out and joined us in the rain for a song. I am so glad I got to go and enjoy the music. If you've never heard them before, look them up!

Yesterday morning, I went to take my physics exam then went straight to Lifeway (after paying a credit card bill lol) and bought their new album and guys... it's PHENOMENAL! It just came out yesterday, so go get it. You won't be disappointed.

Brian and I even got to meet Joel and got our CDs signed. It was awesome. God truly blessed us last night. It was a fantastic show that glorified Him completely! I am so grateful.
I hope everyone is having a good week so far!

Monday, September 15, 2014

KSBJ Brown Bag Event feat: For King & Country

Okay, y'all. This is some pretty exciting stuff! Tomorrow, Chick-Fil-A will be hosting/sponsoring a KSBJ Brown Bag Event! Brown Bag Events are FREE! And For King & Country will be performing. I cannot wait! Tomorrow is the release of their new album, Run Wild. Live Free. Love Strong. I'm absolutely in love with their song, "Fix My Eyes". Their albums have been amazing and I'm pretty sure this one will be no less! I love their music.

I'm also incredibly grateful for the location they chose! Out of all the Chick-Fil-A's here in Houston, they chose the Chick-Fil-A near my dad's house! This is such an amazing blessing! Seriously, how awesome is our God?!

So the event is tomorrow September, 16th and starts at 6:30pm.
Chick-fil-A at I45 and 1960
430 Cypress Creek Pkwy
Houston, TX 77090

For More Info, Visit this link
Thank you so much: KSBJ, Chick Fil A, Special Events, For King & Country, and most of all, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope everyone in the area can make it, it's gonna be amazing!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Matthew 20:1-16

I haven't been making my blog a priority lately, since school has started back up. I'm only taking two courses this semester; both science courses. And I am still working at the preschool; our new class is a handful but they are so talented and creative! I've also started working out again, I was bad and skipped working out the whole month of August. [oops!] So I've neglected my blog just a bit. But I have been making time to read the bible at least once a day. Sometimes I only get to read just a chapter, sometimes two or three chapters, but I make sure I open my bible and study!

Today I had some extra time, so I just wanted to review what I went over the very first thing Jesus talks about in Matthew 20.

Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus Tells the Parable of the Vineyard Workers
So if you've read this, you know that he talks about a landowner with a vineyard who hires workers. The landowner goes out at different times of the day to hire workers. He hires some in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening and he tells each that he will pay them a denarius. Well at the end of the day he calls the workers to collect their pay. He has the last workers hired to come first, and pays them their denarius and so on until he gets to the first workers that were hired and pays them their denarius.
The first workers were a bit upset at the fact that everyone got the same pay even though they did not work the same amount of time. They argued that they were there in the morning and worked through the heat of the afternoon, they didn't think it was right that they got the same pay as those who only worked in the evening.
The landowner replies, "I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?".
Then Jesus says, "So the last will be first, and the first will be last"

I liked this because it is so easy to agree with the workers who were hired in the morning. How often do we say we were treated unfairly compared to how someone else was treated? How often do we think we deserve more than someone else because of our efforts? But when we understand how God sees things, it becomes clear that He does not love us because we are first, because of how hard we work, or because of our efforts; He loves us simply because he loves us!
He gives us second chances! If you ever came in last, you will be first in God's kingdom! Isn't that amazing? God doesn't care what you have accomplished in this life, how hard you've worked, how little you've worked, or if you have anything to show for the life you've lived. If God is all you have, you have all you need!

Also, in this passage Jesus clarified the membership rules of the kingdom of heaven -- entrance is by God's grace alone!
So it does not matter if you've been a believer your whole life, if you became a believer as a teenager, an adult, an elder, or up until you were on your deathbed... by God's grace you will be welcomed into his kingdom. It is never too late! It is better late than never! And we should not hold a grudge against new believers because they are "late"; in reality no one deserves eternal life. We should be thankful for what God has blessed us with! And be happy for those who have also been blessed. And be happy for those who found Jesus, regardless of when they found him.

I hope everyone is having an amazing Sunday! God gave us some great weather this weekend, I'm so thankful we didn't have to endure the heat. The temperatures were pretty low. It was awesome. Hope the cooler weather sticks around here in Texas. Have a fantastic week, everyone!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Good Reads: Gods at War

When I first saw this book on the shelf at the store, I thought, "Gods at War? But there's only one God." I almost didn't even buy it. Most people can see this book or read a description of it and decide that it's not for them; obviously I did the same thing. But although I know for a fact, that there is only one God, there are things in our lives that are fighting for His place in our hearts. That is what Kyle Idleman discusses in this book.

Gods at War definitely opened my eyes to things that can take over our focus in place of God without us even noticing. This book discusses idols and claims that most people can say they don't worship any idols when in fact they do, they just don't realize it. Idols can take forms of money, food, relationships, sex, success, family and even yourself. What is it that we focus on daily? What takes over our minds in our free time? Does our having a good or bad day depend on certain situations or other people? These questions can reveal your idols.

Although I figured I didn't need this book, something told me to give this book a chance and I'm so thankful that I took time to read it. There was obviously something going on in my life that God wanted me to come to terms with. Little did I know, I found a few idols in my life that were replacing God when they should not have been. And now, I can fix that with God's help. Because only He can fulfill our desires; not money, not food, not sex, not our spouse. Only God can provide us with complete happiness.

Purchase Gods at War by Kyle Idleman here

This is a great read! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and has a blessed week! Happy Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Love Lessons through God's Word, featuring Song of Solomon

Lately, I've really been determined to be the best I can in my relationship. I still find myself struggling to be selfless, forgiving, and so on, in my relationship. I decided to let the Lord direct me through His word. I closed my eyes, prayed, and flipped to a random page in my bible with my eyes still closed.

This is the verse I landed on:
Solomon had a vineyard in Baal Hamon; he let out his vineyard to tenants. Each was to bring for its fruits a thousand shekels of silver. But my own vineyard is mine to give; the thousand shekels are for you, Solomon, and two hundred are for those who tend its fruit.
-Solomon 8:11,12

Solomon could demand rent from the tenants for his vineyard, but the girl had her own vineyard and it was her right to assign it. But she willingly gave Solomon its fruit.

Brian will be the first to admit how selfish I am, and I will be the second and agree with him. I already knew what part of my problem was, which is my selfishness; but I love that God used His word to explain how I should be.
Lesson Learned: In a good relationship, there is no private property; everything is shared between the partners.


Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun.
-Song of Solomon 1:5

This is what the girl that Solomon fell in love with tells him. But obviously Solomon didn't care that she had a darker complexion than most girls, if he fell in love with her in the first place. In fact, he loved her dark skin.

Often I catch myself feeling insecure about how I look and when Brian stares at me, I ask him to stop. Brian always asks why I don't want him staring at me and I guess I just don't feel like being stared at because I don't feel pretty. He calls me beautiful and pretty and cute all the time, and yet I still don't see what he sees. I thought about how Brian must feel about this and I came to the conclusion that he probably feels like his words don't mean much to me when in fact they do. But I should start accepting his compliments and listen to the sincerity in his voice instead of letting insecurities get the best of me.
Lesson Learned: Take compliments that others give you, feel good about yourself, and believe the good words that come from others [not discouraging words]. Let others build you up. You are a child of God and he lets others see what you might not see in yourself.


Tell me, you whom I love, where you graze your flock and where you rest your sheep at midday. Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of your friends?
-Song of Solomon 1:7

So not only did she feel insecure about how she looked, but she didn't feel too good about being alone while Solomon was at work. She found security in his presence.

Lesson Learned: When you can't feel secure when you're on your own because your husband or boyfriend is out, whether he be at work, with his family, or with friends, you must trust in his commitment to you. A relationship should be built on genuine love where you don't have to fear the worst because you trust.


She: I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. He: Like a lily among thorns is my darling among young women.
-Song of Solomon 2:1

She compares herself to the common flowers of Israel to say that she is nothing special. But Solomon states otherwise by saying she is a "lily among thorns" as his "darling among young women". He encourages her and compliments her.

One of my favorite things about my relationship with Brian is when he or I are feeling down in the dumps, we give each other encouraging words.
Lesson Learned: Always encourage your significant other. Build them up and show your appreciation for them. This is such an important part of being in a relationship; expressing your love for each other. Too often, we get "used" to each other and our compliments come fewer and fewer because we just expect our spouse to know how we feel. But hearing these encouraging words everyday allow your relationship to blossom all over again every single day.


Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.
-Song of Solomon 2:15

These lovers wanted anything that might cause a problem for their relationship to be removed. "Little foxes" can become big problems in relationships.

Sometimes we discover irritations or annoyances but choose not to discuss it in order to avoid creating any problems. We all know that little problems ignored turn into big problems that can't be ignored any longer.
Lesson Learned: If there's something bothering you, do not keep it inside where it will grow and eventually burst out of you. That's usually how arguments occur and how the little problem becomes big. Also, deal with your problems together as a couple when they need to be dealt with; and do not discuss your problems with others.


All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him.
-Song of Solomon 3:1-2

Lesson Learned: When you love someone, you will do all you can to ensure the safety of that person and care for his or her needs, even at a cost to your personal comfort.


You are a garden fountain, a well of flowing water streaming down from Lebanon.
-Song of Solomon 4:15

What Solomon says here is that she is refreshing!

Lesson Learned: Sometimes being with someone for a long period of time can cause us to forget the feelings of love and refreshment that was shared in the beginning of the relationship. Do you refresh your spouse with love, or are you a burden of complaints, problems, and sorrows? Refreshing your partner can be as simple as giving them a compliment or an unexpected gift or surprise, or just relaxing with them and focus on talking about the positive things you love about each other. Your spouse needs you to be a haven of refreshment because the rest of the world usually isn't.


I arose to open for my beloved, but my beloved had left; he was gone. I looked for him but did not find him. I called but he did not answer.
-Song of Solomon 5:6

She got self-centered and impatient for a slight moment but that caused separation. She did attempt to fix the problem by searching for him but it was too late.

Lesson Learned: Sometimes we let little things bother us to the point where we push our significant other away. We may not mean to do this but it comes from selfishness and pride. I am definitely guilty of doing this. But be quick to forgive and open your arms to your partner! Because even emotional separation can be damaging to your relationship.


Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one's house for love, it would be utterly scorn.
Song of Solomon 8:6,7

In this description of their love, the girl includes some of its significant characteristics. Love is as strong as death it cannot be killed by time or disaster. Love is priceless; even the richest king cannot buy it.
Lesson Learned: Love must be accepted as a gift from God and shared within the guidelines God provides. Accept the love of your spouse as God's gift, and strive to make your love a reflection of God's perfect love.

I really enjoyed reading and studying this book. It definitely taught me a thing or two and I hope I was able to give a little insight on how to better any problems you may have in your relationship. I'm still working on being selfless, like I said, and I will keep these lessons close to my heart to help me defeat selfishness.
I hope everyone is having an amazing week!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Creating Inspiring Home Decor

First: Forgive my terrible photo quality!
Second: I am so not a professional painter but I figured this would be really fun!

So Brian and I have been saving up for a house and haven't really decorated our apartment as far as putting things on the walls; no posters, no photos, no paintings, nothing. So when our lease is up, we plan to be outta these apartments and be proud homeowners! So we haven't really had any spending money for decorations. Well, what better to do than to create some with some awesome scripture!?

I know you can't really tell from these paintings but I actually used to paint quite a bit; I'd never really been amazing at it but it was something I had a fun time doing. So I had some old canvases that I didn't know what to do with, and a ton of paint and paintbrushes! Even a paint marker. So I figured I'd do something awesome with them. Not awesome paintings or anything, but make good use of them and put God's word up around in our new home {when we move into our new home}. We're really excited and are hoping to find a really nice home that we could someday raise a family in. Of course, we want to get married first, and yes... we are sinning by living with each other before marriage. But we truly do love each other and although we haven't had the money or time for a wedding, we feel like we are married and are happy to spend the rest of our lives together. God knows our hearts. Hopefully a wedding will be coming up soon!(:

I'm even considering doing quite a few more of these {once I get better at it} and giving them away as gifts for Christmas or birthdays! So I'm really excited about my new/old hobby! If you've got some free time and some spending money, why not make some of these yourself? They're really fun, and who cares if they don't look professional. You've got God's word on them and that's what makes them GREAT!

I hope everyone is having an amazing week so far! We're halfway through it. Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Blessed with a Wonderful Life

The Mud Loving Diaries

There are so many wonderful things God has blessed me with & I'm so grateful He has come into my life and made me new.

Wonderful ABCs of Life

A: Our apartment is quite impressive for moving out on our own for the first time. I never thought my first place would be this nice.

B: Brian is so amazing. He's the sweetest man I know & I'm so thankful for all he does for me. He's so smart & humble. He's always there for anyone in need. I can't believe I'm the one who he calls the love of his life.

C: Country Music ♥

D: I've got the best dad in the world. God really hooked me up on this one. My dad is always there for me no matter what, and no matter how many times I've messed up, he's still there. He's never given up on me and has always helped me in whatever way he can whether it be financially, emotionally, or physically. He's the best dad God could've given me.

E: Electricity, because we all know we can't live without it {lol}

F: Family! I'm truly blessed in this department. I have the best parents, an awesome little brother, and was just recently blessed with a precious baby sister! I also have the best grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins!(:

G: God's grace.

H: Good health. God blessed me with a healthy body & it's up to me to keep it healthy(:

I: Awesome In-laws! Brian & I aren't married, but Brian has an amazing family! His mom & dad are the sweetest (guess that's where he gets it from!). His brother & sister are seriously the nicest. His nieces & nephews are the cutest (and funniest when you put them all in the same room)! His grandparents are also very kind & sweet! I'm so blessed to know them and to be able to spend time with them. They've always included me and made me feel right at home.

J: Jesus, the most wonderful man of all existence and the most wonderful thing he did for us.

K: Kind hearts. I'm surrounded by kind hearts(:

L: Love, there is so much wonderful love in my life!

M: My mom goes up & beyond for everyone! She is so loving and generous. She gives & gives until she has nothing more to give. I want to be like that. She's an inspiration & of all the people in the world, God blessed ME with her as my mom.

N: New baby sister, Faith!

O: Optimism, it's always best to go through life thinking of the brighter side of things. Not everything goes our way. But I'm going to do my best to remember that it's God's plan, not mine & He NEVER fails.

P: Patience.

Q: Quiet time alone with God is amazingly wonderful.

R: Reading. I love reading! I pretty much take a book with me everywhere I go.

S: Seasons. God has some awesome stuff going on in nature throughout the year. God created trees' leaves to turn beautiful colors & fall in the Fall, but they are always renewed in the Spring. It's just beautiful.

T: Time on his beautiful creation, Earth.

U: Unity.

V: My vehicle was a wonderful blessing that allows me to get to school & work, and visit my loved ones.

W: Water, this may be a weird one, but it's something wonderful that we may take for granted sometimes.

X: XOXOXO - kisses & hugs! ♥

Y: YOU! You are fearfully & wonderfully made.

Z: Zelda. Because Brian & I are Nintendo nerds(:

YOUR TURN! Let me know what wonderful things God blessed you with.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Her Name is Faith

"For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, you works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one came to be." -Psalm 139:13-16

Meet my new baby sister, Faith. Yes, I'm 22 years old and have a new born sister. I also have a 4 year old brother named Jacob. When I was younger, I always wanted brothers & sisters. I was always playing by myself, talking to myself, and staying up at night playing scenarios in my head with pretend brothers and sisters.

When my parents divorced, I especially wanted brothers and sisters so I wouldn't be going through their divorce alone. Someone else would be there beside me feeling the same way about not being able to see mom & dad at the same time anymore; always separate. But I realize now that God didn't think I needed anyone to go through this with me, I think He knew I needed to go through it with HIM. But it took me a while to figure this out.

You see, my parents got married about two months before I was born. So the way my 12 year old mind saw it was that they wouldn't have had to get a divorce if I was never born. They wouldn't have to change their entire lives if I wasn't born. The past 12 years I felt was a waste of time for them if they weren't going to spend the rest of their lives together like they promised when they got married, and the only reason they made that promise was because of me. I felt like they wouldn't have had to go through that pain of losing 12 years if they never had me. And I thought if I had brothers & sisters, it wouldn't have felt like so big of a burden. But if only I had gone to God, He would've let me know the instant that I thought that, that it wasn't true, not even close. Eventually, I found out that God wanted me to hand that burden over to Him, because it was never mine to carry.

I love my parents very much, both of them. But God had other plans, and He's still at work for both of them. And He's still at work for me. I finally have a brother & a sister. I may be 22 years old, but God gives us what we need when we need it. He knew I didn't need a brother or sister to get through the divorce, He knew I needed Him & His son & the Holy Spirit to get through it. Now I depend completely on God and trust Him with all my heart. Now I have an amazing little brother and a beautiful little sister, because I realized I needed God first. I'm so thankful that He helped me see that it was Him I needed all along, because I am nothing without Him.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Good Reads: Good Call

I don't know about y'all, but I am a pretty big Duck Dynasty fan. The Robertson's are so inspiring; they spread God's word like a wildfire and it's amazing to see what their family has accomplished thanks to God.

Jase Robertson's book Good Call was fantastic! I loved it & literally could not put it down. I actually read it in a day. His book really opens your eyes to what he and his family are about. He talks about everything from his youth, hunting trips, to his family & his wife Missy. There are a lot of life lessons in there that I couldn't wait to apply to my life. He quotes the bible and really helps you understand that his life isn't all what it appears to be sometimes. And don't let the beard & long hair fool you, he's an incredible man of God. Brian is currently reading this book, and Brian really doesn't care to read but he's really enjoying it. This book offers so much real life wisdom & there are quite a few parts that will make you smile to yourself and even laugh; I'm so glad I read it.

Purchase Good Call by Jase Robertson here

I definitely plan on reading the other books that the family has put out. In fact, I just bought Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson and I'm really looking forward to it.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Get Rid of Your Guilt

Often, we are burdened by our guilt of the sins we've committed. We dwell on our wrongs and let them define us. I've made mistakes, I'm a sinner. But God sent his only son to save us from ourselves. Although we sin, although we do wrong, we are saved by the grace of God, and the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ.
If you still don't understand, or maybe just need a pick-me-up, listen to these songs. They explain it perfectly.

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again by Craig & Dean Phillips

How Can It Be? by Lauren Daigle

I Am Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave

Forgiven by Sanctus Real

You Are More by Tenth Avenue North

When Mercy Found Me by Rhett Walker Band

Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy birthday to the best mom on the planet! Above is my favorite picture of us. She was curling my hair for me while we were in San Antonio for a PBR Built Ford Tough Series Event. It was my first time ever going and I wasn't very excited at first but we had a blast!

She was excited the whole time, but what started it for me was while we were in our car waiting for the valet line to go up. We were leaving the hotel to head to the stadium. There were a few bull riders standing outside the hotel doors waiting for their vehicles, and one of them waved at me. At me! Mom and I got into it over who he was waving at but it was all in fun. After realizing how nice the bull riders were, I really got into the whole PBR thing. I asked her who it was that waved at us and she told me it was Renato Nunes. So I vowed right then and there that he would always be my #1 favorite bull rider. When he rode that night, I cheered my head off!

Later when we got to the hotel, we figured we might run into Renato, so we waited in the lobby. We ended up "casually" running into him and hanging out with him {I thought he had a crush on my mom}. He's Brazilian and at that time he didn't know much English so I taught him "chillin'" and "homies", which I still think was my favorite part of the night. He even complimented me on my bunny slippers {yes, I was 16 and still wore bunny slippers. They were cute!}. I even watched his luggage for him when it was time to leave. So yeah, we were pretty much BFFs by end of the weekend. Like I said, he was into my mom.

We had so much fun that we made it our annual vacation to go to San Antonio to watch our favorite bull riders. It was an amazing experience getting to bond with my mom over bull riders.

This photo is from the next year, after Renato had won the world championship! He still remembered his little people fans. I'm so glad my mom introduced me to PBR. Our PBR events were some of the funnest moments we had. Thanks mom.

Also, thank you for everything you've done for me. You took care of me when I was sick, took me to the doctor and dentist when I needed you. You bought me my car & paid to put me through college. You spoiled me rotten. You were always there for me when I was having a meltdown. You gave me space when I needed, and hugs when I needed them more. But most importantly you taught me to be independent, and go for what I want most in life and to follow my dreams. You've encouraged me and also inspired me. I love you. God couldn't have blessed me with a better mom. He gave me the best.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good Reads: 21 Reasons Bad Things Happen to Good People

Ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Ever put your blame on God, and wonder why He the almighty & powerful could have let these bad things happen? 21 Reasons Bad Things Happen to Good People will open your eyes and give you the answers you've been needing. Using not only passages from the bible, but also people's experiences from today, Dr. Dave Earley's wonderful words will fill your heart with the truth about God's love & power.

I enjoyed reading this book so much. I only wish I'd read it sooner. It truly helped me understand God's love for us. Whether he's preparing us for the future or making room for bigger blessings, God HAS A REASON! But it's up to Him. He does not have to explain Himself to us. He is the creator, we are just the creation. But he loves us, and is always there for us, especially when we're hurting.

This book is definitely worth picking up if you've ever had your doubts; let it reassure you that God is working even when you don't realize it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What the Bible Says: About Pride

Pride is definitely something I've always struggled with. I was an only child until I turned 18. Throughout my childhood, I figured most homes were like mine; I basically got to watch TV whenever I wanted because I had a TV in my room & didn't have to argue over what to watch, I got to play with whatever toys I wanted & didn't have to share, and I got my parents all to myself. I always believed I was just a bit more special than everyone else.

As a teenager, I was terribly self-centered and wanted everything my way. Especially at home. I argued with my parents, I disobeyed them, & I didn't care if what I did hurt them; the only thing that mattered to me was what I wanted. I didn't care what anyone else thought about me and ended up being labeled as a spoiled brat. My pride destroyed my relationships not only with my parents, but many others.

I'm not proud of how I acted as a teenager, I'm awfully ashamed. But I'm definitely thankful that Jesus came into my life and showed me the problem I needed to work on. Don't get me wrong, I still deal with my pride. If I get into an argument with one of my loved ones & I realize I'm wrong, I just stop talking and don't want to finish the conversation. So I still have a lot to work on. But I found some verses that I know will help me through it. God's word is always helpful when you find yourself struggling with... well, yourself.

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." -Proverbs 16:18
What my study bible says: Proud people take little account of their weaknesses and do not anticipate stumbling blocks. They think they are above the frailties of common people. In this state of mind they are easily tripped up. Ironically, proud people seldom realize that pride is their problem, although everyone around them is well aware of it. Ask someone you trust whether self-satisfaction has blinded you to warning signs. He or she may help you avoid a fall.

"But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the alter of incense. -2 Chronicles 26:16
What my study bible says: After God gave Uzziah great prosperity and power, he became proud and corrupt. It is true that "pride goes before destruction"(Proverbs 16:18). If God has given you wealth, influence, popularity, and power, be thankful but be careful. God hates pride. While it is normal to feel elation when we accomplish something, it is wrong to be disdainful of God or to look down on others. Check your attitudes and remember to give God the credit for what you have. Use your gifts in ways that please Him.

"Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." -Proverbs 13:10
What my study bible says: "I was wrong" or "I need advice" are difficult phrases to utter because they require humility. Pride is an ingredient in every quarrel. It stirs up conflict and divides people. Humility, by contrast, heals. Guard against pride. If you find yourself constantly arguing, examine your life for pride. Be open to the advice of others, ask for help when you need it, and be willing to admit your mistakes.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Reading List Thanks to The Sale @ Lifeway!

So I had a wonderful Saturday with my mom and my baby brother! I say "baby" brother because there's an 18 year difference between us {in case you were wondering}. We went to look at furniture & of course since we were close by I just HAD to make a pit stop at Lifeway Christian Stores. I love it there; so hard to leave empty handed. They were having a pretty awesome sale! I bought 5 books for $21 & some change. There's only 4 books in the photo above because one of the books was a children's book that I gave to my brother Jacob. So here are the books I found for $5 each.

Follow Me by David Platt: "What did Jesus really mean when he said, 'Follow Me'? Is it possible for people to say they believe in Jesus but not truly be born again? Is it possible for people to claim they have accepted Christ into their hearts yet not actually be Christians?
Not only is it possible, but according to Pastor David Platt, it's also highly probable. The author of the bestselling book Radical is convinced that many people in our churches today are misled as to what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. Western culture has drained the lifeblood out of Christianity and replaced it with a watered-down version of the gospel that is so palatable it isn't even real anymore.
"Follow me," Jesus calls.
Two simple words that change everything. You will never be bored. You will always have purpose. You will never lack joy. But it will cost you. This is not an invitation to pray a prayer. It is a summons to lose your life. A call to die. A call to live. Have you answered that call?"

Get Out of That Pit by Beth Moore: "From her first breath of fresh air beyond the pit, it has never been enough for Beth Moore to be free. This author and teacher who's opened the riches of Scripture to millions has longed for you to be free as well. To know the Love and Presence that are better than life - and the power of God's Word that defies all darkness.
Her journey out of the pit has been heart-rending. But from this and the poetic expressions of Psalm 40 has come the reward: a new song for her soul - given by her Savior and offered to you here, friend to friend. It is Beth's most stirring message yet of the sheer hope, utter deliverance... and complete and glorious freedom of God: ' waited patiently for the Lord, He turned to me and heard my cry, He lifted me out of the slimy pit, He set my feet on a rock, He put a new song in my mouth'."
It is a story, a song - a salvation - that you can know too.

To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain by Matt Chandler: "This is not a book with popular sound bites and bumper-sticker theology. This is a disruptively inspiring message from Matt Chandler, a pastor and Bible teacher, who invites you to walk with him through the short book of Philippians."

Breaking Free by Beth Moore: "I have never written anything that meant more to me than the message of this book. The contents of these pages are so important to me, so precious to me, that I desperately desire for it to be precious to you. Christ calls us to a place of breaking free. He woos us to the place of absolute freedom - the only kind of freedom that is real."

I was looking through books and found a few randoms, I'm excited to start reading. I'm just itching to learn as much as I can. Feel free to let me know of any books you've read lately. I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend!

Friday, July 25, 2014

What the Bible Says: About Forgiveness

One of the worst things about me is the trouble I have forgiving, whether it's forgiving myself or others. I've been working on it for a while, and I have to admit, even I've noticed some improvements thanks to the bible. There have been wrongs done to me and also wrongs I'd done to others that I didn't know how to forgive and forget, but Jesus taught me how. I'm so thankful for my Lord & Savior for dying on the cross for us. He washed us white as snow. He forgave us of our sins, and we should be able to forgive others as well, including ourselves. Here are some of my favorite verses that help me remember how important it is to forgive.

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." -Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV)

"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins." -Mark 11:25-26 (NIV)

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8 (NIV)

"But to you who are listening I say; Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." -Luke 6:27(NIV)

"The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him" -Daniel 9:9 (NIV)

"Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." -Micah 7:18-19 (NIV)

"Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." -Colossians 3:13 (NIV)

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace." -Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)

"I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." -Hebrews 8:12

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered 'I tell you not seven times but seventy seven times.'" -Matthew 18:21-22

"Jesus said, 'Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.'" -Luke 23:34

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Good Reads: Heaven Is For Real

Okay, so I know I'm really late reading this, but it was amazing. I read this book about a month ago, but it's actually been in my trunk for the past year {possibly two years}. I can't believe it took me so long to finally open it up and read it. I'm pretty excited about the movie even though I'm pretty sure they aren't still playing it in theatres. If you've wondered about reading the book, wonder no more! You definitely should pick it up; I wasn't able to put it down.

Most people already know what it's about but humor me. A little boy named Colton had gotten very sick and had to undergo quite a few surgeries when he was just a toddler. During these surgeries he got to see Jesus, angels, and heaven. He mentions to his family some of these memories of heaven and they are in disbelief. His dad continues to talk to him to get his son to tell him more about heaven and Colton goes on and on about things that your average toddler wouldn't know on the count of they aren't able to read and fully understand the bible just yet. God gave this family many blessings and it was nice to read their story. I strongly encourage you to read it, if you haven't already. It was absolutely wonderful!

Purchase Heaven is for Real here

Friday, July 18, 2014

10 Country Songs That Glorify The Lord

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope everyone had a good week, mine was pretty busy but that made it go by quickly. So I'm ready for the weekend! I just wanted to share a few of my favorite country songs that glorify the Lord.

-Me and God by Josh Turner
Josh Turner sings about his relationship with God, and it is just the most awesome description of what a relationship with God should be. Just listen!

-New Again by Brad Paisley & Sara Evans
This is such a beautiful song that is supposed to be a conversation between our savior Jesus and his mother Mary. She is of course upset about her son dying on the cross but He assures her that this is not the end and that He is making all things new again.

-Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood
Carrie sings of a woman who has been going through a tough time and is driving with her baby in the backseat. She loses control and lets go of the steering wheel to let Jesus take over for her. This is a great example of what we should do when things get rough. God wants us to give Him our burdens.

-Long Black Train by Josh Turner
Long Black Train is about temptation, but "there's victory in the Lord" as the song says, so we should turn to the Lord when tempted by sin.

-God Must Really Love Me by Craig Morgan
This song is something I can definitely relate to. We all make mistakes, and have past regrets. We get caught up in sin sometimes and have trouble finding our path back to God. But God will always show us mercy and grace. He is a forgiving God and still blesses us with more than we deserve.

-That's Why I Pray by Big & Rich
Our world is not perfect, but we should always praise God and be thankful for the good. And when there's bad, still pray to God for a miracle because he DOES answer prayers.

-Beer With Jesus by Thomas Rhett
Thomas Rhett sings about what he would do if he could have a beer with Jesus and what he would ask Him. Just wondering about having a sit down with our Lord & Savior in a casual setting. How amazing would that be?

-The Little Girl by John Michael Montgomery
So first off, warning: make sure you have a tissue! A song about a little girl who was not raised in a household that went to church, read the bible, or spoke of God. She has a hard life, this little girl but is saved by Jesus.

-Three Wooden Crosses by Randy Travis
An example of how God works in mysterious ways, and how His way is always true and right. There is a reason for everything even though we may not understand it.

-I Saw God Today by George Strait
Although we don't see Him, God is everywhere. Stop and consider his miracles and the beauty He created.

There are many more songs just like these, let me know some of your favorite country songs!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday, Muddy Sunday

The best thing you can do for yourself is do what you love with the ones you love. Today, Brian finally took me 4-wheeling. We've both been dying to go, but have been putting family time first. I'm so glad we got to go today. It was so much fun. Since I was in the back, I got a lot more of the mud than Brian did and mostly in my hair. It was crazy! The best part about today was just spending time with the love of my life. He used to take me 4-wheeling more often before we lived together, but now work and family is our priority since we have to pay bills and don't live with our parents anymore. But it's so important to find time to do what you and your loved ones enjoy doing. We haven't had that much fun in a while.

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This cute little family of raccoons ran right up a dead tree when they saw/heard us coming. They were pretty adorable. We even saw some deer! They were so cute, prancing through the woods, but they were probably running for their lives! Poor things. Today was an amazing Sunday! I hope everyone else had fun and enjoyed the beautiful day that God blessed us with!