Tuesday, May 23, 2017

7 Things that Change once you Become a Mom

It's been 8 weeks and 2 days since I have become a mom, and it's been a lot to get used to.  It's crazy how much everything changes!

1) No more nice, long, hot showers.  They may still be hot, but they certainly aren't long.  I'm constantly rushing, because for whatever reason, it's when I'm in the shower that Aurora seems to be the neediest.

2) Hot coffee is no longer an option.  Because you are not on your schedule, you're on the baby's schedule.

3) Your body does not look the same.  I admit it, my boobs are saggy, my butt is saggy, and it's hard to tell where the stretch marks begin and end.

4) I totally took grocery shopping alone for granted.  It's so exhausting unloading a baby and groceries into a car and then getting them all into the house!

5) You will always have spit up on you.

6) It takes me a lot longer to leave the house.  At least an hour and a half.

7) Goodbye, comfortable sleep.  Goodbye, sleeping in.  Goodbye, sleep in general (at least, at first).  Aurora was waking up every hour, then every two hours, then every three hours.  Now she sleeps five to six hours.  Know why?  I fall asleep with her on my chest while I'm burping her after a feeding.

These may all seem like complaints, but they really aren't.  They are just things I happened to notice once I became a mom.

In all honesty these are the 7 things that change:

I would rather take a quick shower, so I can get back to Aurora.

I could do without hot coffee, as long as I have coffee to energize me so I can keep up with her.

I actually feel more confident about my body, stretch marks and all, because of what my body did: it created life.

Grocery shopping isn't easy any more, but man do I feel awesome getting it accomplished!

Sure, I've had people point out spit up on my shirt but I think of it as Aurora leaving something with me so I'll think of her when I'm away from her.  Silly, yes.  But I can't help but smile when I see it.

I may not be on time, but at least my daughter has been changed, fed, burped, and will be comfortable by the time we leave the house.

And I would much rather have my baby girl in my arms, than sleep comfortably on my stomach.  Because nothing beats looking down at that sweet girl because one day she won't fit on my chest anymore.

Aside from those 7 changes, you are the biggest change.  You become completely selfless to your needs because this tiny human being that is half of you, that came from you, that spent 9 months right next to your heart, is the most important thing on the planet now.  And that life that you created is worth giving up everything.

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