Thursday, March 5, 2015

Staying Positive

Well, it's Thursday... Which means I survived. Positive
Tuesday, I was in an accident. Negative
God took my car, not my life. Positive
I was considered at fault even though the person who hit me fled the scene and had a suspended license. Negative
They caught up to him and had to arrest him.Positive for me/Negative for him
I still got a citation. I also DO NOT consider myself at fault... But nothing I can do. Negative
My car is also not drivable. Negative
I'm still oh so very sore. Negative
I missed my class and have a lot of catching up to do. Negative
Brian is sick so I'm taking care of him instead of him taking care of me after the wreck. And I've got to go to work and school and won't be home until 9 tonight. Negative

Oh I'm sorry... I forgot I titled this "staying positive". It is just so easy to focus on the negatives. I mean there's just so many of them! But there are just as many positives!

God gives us so much. We shouldn't doubt Him the moment that things aren't going our way. We must praise Him. Whenever something like this happens I just have to say, "Thank you so much, Lord. Things really could have been A LOT worse. Especially if I didn't have you." There is a promise from God that is very important, especially in hard times. He will never abandon us. He is always with us. He will never let us down. 

In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” -John 5:17

I know that God is with me, I know that he loves me, and I know that he has amazing plans for me despite my circumstances. Positive, Positive, Positive

It is not easy being positive all the time, even when we have Christ on our side. But focusing on the negatives... will keep us from seeing the positives. And I had to learn not to keep myself from seeing the good things that God has done for me.

I was stressing about not making it to work and not being able to go to class. I had no car to get from home to work to school and back home. Everyone told me that the most important thing was that I was okay, but I wouldn't let myself focus on that! How insane is that?! Here I was in a serious car accident and instead of seeing that the most amazing thing was that God let me walk away with just a few bruises, I was freaking out about everything that went wrong. It took a while but I'm so grateful that I'm alive! And I'm so grateful for the people that God put in my life to help me realize that!

Sure, I don't have a car anymore. And it was my first car. It had sentimental value. And sure, I got a citation that I don't believe I deserved. And sure, I'm not focusing on school because I'm taking care of my sick fiancé. But I have my life, and I have someone who loves me who has taken care of me when I was sick, and I'm happy to put everything aside and do the same for him. And I have an AMAZING God who protected me and loves me enough to put me through something that will hurt both of us but in the end make me stronger and wiser.
Thank you, Lord. Thank you for helping me forget about all the things that went wrong and embrace the positives you put in my life!!! Amen.

I hope everyone is safe and having a great week!

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