Monday, March 9, 2015

Make-It-Count Monday [Week 2]

God's Help Through The Bible

I believe God presents opportunities to us to help others and show them His amazing love. And the bible is our best guide to helping others.

“By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ.” –Galatians 6:2.

It wasn't too long ago that I had absolutely no desire to help anyone. At all. With anything. I thought that I had done just fine not having help from friends because I could do pretty much anything on my own. I'd get all bent out of shape any time any one asked me for anything. I got bitter. I would think, "Well, I never ask anyone for anything. Why do they have to come to me when they need something?" How rude is that?! Oh man, thinking back, I'm just so glad I am not in that same mind set.
God got me to start reading His word. Now, I love reading. In fact, I've finished a few books in a single day. But I have to understand what I'm reading. I have to be engaged in what's going on. For some reason, I just couldn't get into the bible. Maybe it was the translation I was reading. But I could not read and finish a book in the bible. So I would flip to a page and put my finger on a verse, just to see if it would be a good place to start. Well, God was putting my finger on some pretty important verses about helping and about being selfless.

I started finding a ton of verses that really opened my eyes to how important it is to help others in need. I'm so grateful that God has changed me. I'm not completely changed; He's definitely still working on me. I still have times where I really have to make myself help someone, but there are times where I don't even think twice about it! And that's improvement. It is much better than the way I used to react when someone asked me for help. We can't stress ourselves out trying to be perfect because it is an impossible goal, but we should definitely take time to really appreciate the little changes in ourselves that are helping us grow closer to God.

God speaks to us through His word. We can get our help from the bible, and we can also use the bible to help others.

I'd like to challenge you to memorize a verse about helping others. It can be the verse I referenced above, Galations 6:2, or you can choose your own verse to memorize. Keep the verse in mind any time someone asks you for help. After helping, see how you feel. It may be Monday, but you'll feel great!
Have a great week!

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