Thursday, September 18, 2014

Praise Him Always

So today, I got caught in the rain walking from class to my car [which is a pretty long walk]. I looked like I had jumped in a pool, clothes and all. My shoes felt squishy under my feet, and my clothes were clinging to me. I felt so uncomfortable. But I thought of something to be thankful for.

Out of all the times it had rained the past few months, the Lord kept me dry. I had always missed the rain by just a few seconds! The other day at the concert, it rained, and I didn't mind it one bit, even though I didn't have an umbrella. I had a great time listening to For King & Country glorify God through their music, and I praised Jesus through all of it. But today class seemed much longer than it usually does and I just wanted to go home. I walked out of the building and discovered that it was pouring! I walked that long, cold, wet walk to my car. Was I still willing to praise Jesus in the rain the same way I did when I was at the concert? ABSOLUTELY!

No way was I going to let some rain distance me from my Lord & Savior. When I got to my car, I blared my music and sang as loud as I could. I was listening to Lift My Life Up by Unspoken. "You brought me this far, why would I question you now? You have provided, why would I start to doubt? I've never been stranded, abandoned, or left here to fight alone, So I'm giving you control". I love this song. God has never left me, He will never leave me. He will bless me and He will allow me to struggle, because He loves me and He will always help me through whatever task He gives me.

So I hope you will also embrace whatever God gives you! Know that no matter what He puts you through, that He's right by your side through it all. He's there to help you and provide you with strength. He will never abandon you. You are His child. Praise Him, always.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

For King & Country Concert

Last night was amazing! For King & Country put on a great show, despite the rain. Yeah, we got a bit of rain but I think it only made the concert more fun. The band even came out and joined us in the rain for a song. I am so glad I got to go and enjoy the music. If you've never heard them before, look them up!

Yesterday morning, I went to take my physics exam then went straight to Lifeway (after paying a credit card bill lol) and bought their new album and guys... it's PHENOMENAL! It just came out yesterday, so go get it. You won't be disappointed.

Brian and I even got to meet Joel and got our CDs signed. It was awesome. God truly blessed us last night. It was a fantastic show that glorified Him completely! I am so grateful.
I hope everyone is having a good week so far!

Monday, September 15, 2014

KSBJ Brown Bag Event feat: For King & Country

Okay, y'all. This is some pretty exciting stuff! Tomorrow, Chick-Fil-A will be hosting/sponsoring a KSBJ Brown Bag Event! Brown Bag Events are FREE! And For King & Country will be performing. I cannot wait! Tomorrow is the release of their new album, Run Wild. Live Free. Love Strong. I'm absolutely in love with their song, "Fix My Eyes". Their albums have been amazing and I'm pretty sure this one will be no less! I love their music.

I'm also incredibly grateful for the location they chose! Out of all the Chick-Fil-A's here in Houston, they chose the Chick-Fil-A near my dad's house! This is such an amazing blessing! Seriously, how awesome is our God?!

So the event is tomorrow September, 16th and starts at 6:30pm.
Chick-fil-A at I45 and 1960
430 Cypress Creek Pkwy
Houston, TX 77090

For More Info, Visit this link
Thank you so much: KSBJ, Chick Fil A, Special Events, For King & Country, and most of all, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope everyone in the area can make it, it's gonna be amazing!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Matthew 20:1-16

I haven't been making my blog a priority lately, since school has started back up. I'm only taking two courses this semester; both science courses. And I am still working at the preschool; our new class is a handful but they are so talented and creative! I've also started working out again, I was bad and skipped working out the whole month of August. [oops!] So I've neglected my blog just a bit. But I have been making time to read the bible at least once a day. Sometimes I only get to read just a chapter, sometimes two or three chapters, but I make sure I open my bible and study!

Today I had some extra time, so I just wanted to review what I went over the very first thing Jesus talks about in Matthew 20.

Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus Tells the Parable of the Vineyard Workers
So if you've read this, you know that he talks about a landowner with a vineyard who hires workers. The landowner goes out at different times of the day to hire workers. He hires some in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening and he tells each that he will pay them a denarius. Well at the end of the day he calls the workers to collect their pay. He has the last workers hired to come first, and pays them their denarius and so on until he gets to the first workers that were hired and pays them their denarius.
The first workers were a bit upset at the fact that everyone got the same pay even though they did not work the same amount of time. They argued that they were there in the morning and worked through the heat of the afternoon, they didn't think it was right that they got the same pay as those who only worked in the evening.
The landowner replies, "I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?".
Then Jesus says, "So the last will be first, and the first will be last"

I liked this because it is so easy to agree with the workers who were hired in the morning. How often do we say we were treated unfairly compared to how someone else was treated? How often do we think we deserve more than someone else because of our efforts? But when we understand how God sees things, it becomes clear that He does not love us because we are first, because of how hard we work, or because of our efforts; He loves us simply because he loves us!
He gives us second chances! If you ever came in last, you will be first in God's kingdom! Isn't that amazing? God doesn't care what you have accomplished in this life, how hard you've worked, how little you've worked, or if you have anything to show for the life you've lived. If God is all you have, you have all you need!

Also, in this passage Jesus clarified the membership rules of the kingdom of heaven -- entrance is by God's grace alone!
So it does not matter if you've been a believer your whole life, if you became a believer as a teenager, an adult, an elder, or up until you were on your deathbed... by God's grace you will be welcomed into his kingdom. It is never too late! It is better late than never! And we should not hold a grudge against new believers because they are "late"; in reality no one deserves eternal life. We should be thankful for what God has blessed us with! And be happy for those who have also been blessed. And be happy for those who found Jesus, regardless of when they found him.

I hope everyone is having an amazing Sunday! God gave us some great weather this weekend, I'm so thankful we didn't have to endure the heat. The temperatures were pretty low. It was awesome. Hope the cooler weather sticks around here in Texas. Have a fantastic week, everyone!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Good Reads: Gods at War

When I first saw this book on the shelf at the store, I thought, "Gods at War? But there's only one God." I almost didn't even buy it. Most people can see this book or read a description of it and decide that it's not for them; obviously I did the same thing. But although I know for a fact, that there is only one God, there are things in our lives that are fighting for His place in our hearts. That is what Kyle Idleman discusses in this book.

Gods at War definitely opened my eyes to things that can take over our focus in place of God without us even noticing. This book discusses idols and claims that most people can say they don't worship any idols when in fact they do, they just don't realize it. Idols can take forms of money, food, relationships, sex, success, family and even yourself. What is it that we focus on daily? What takes over our minds in our free time? Does our having a good or bad day depend on certain situations or other people? These questions can reveal your idols.

Although I figured I didn't need this book, something told me to give this book a chance and I'm so thankful that I took time to read it. There was obviously something going on in my life that God wanted me to come to terms with. Little did I know, I found a few idols in my life that were replacing God when they should not have been. And now, I can fix that with God's help. Because only He can fulfill our desires; not money, not food, not sex, not our spouse. Only God can provide us with complete happiness.

Purchase Gods at War by Kyle Idleman here

This is a great read! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and has a blessed week! Happy Labor Day!